.. module:: _zeitgeist.engine.remote ======== DBus API ======== This is the raw DBus API for the Zeitgeist engine. Applications written in Python are encouraged to use the :class:`ZeitgeistClient ` API instead. .. _event_serialization_format: .. index:: Event Serialization Format Event Serialization Format ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The wire representation of events is central to the DBus API of the Zeitgeist engine. An event has DBus signature :const:`asaasay`. The Python client library includes an :class:`Event ` class that conforms, without manual mashalling, to the DBus wire format described here. The first array of strings, :const:`as`, contains the `event metadata` at the following offsets: 0. Event id, which is guaranteed to be an unsigned integer. Applications must never set this field, it is an error to do so. The field will be filled out when you ask for events from the Zeitgeist engine. 1. Timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch 2. Interpretation - the abstract notion of "what happened" defined by a formal URI. There is a predefined set of event interpretations in the :class:`zeitgeist.datamodel.Interpretation` class 3. Manifestation - the abstract notion of "how did this happen" defined by a formal URI. There is a predefined set of event manifestations in the :class:`zeitgeist.datamodel.Manifestation` class 4. Actor - a URI defining the entity spawning the event. In most cases this will be an application. The URI of an application is defined as the :const:`app://` URI-scheme with the base filename of the application's .desktop file (with the extension). Fx Firefox with .desktop file :const:`/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop` will have an actor URI of :const:`app://firefox.desktop`. The second component in the event datastructure is the `list of subjects`, :const:`aas`, each subject being an :const:`as`. Note that an event can have more than one subject - fx. when deleting a collection of files with one click in the file manager. The subject metadata is defined with the following offsets: 0. URI - eg. :const:`http://example.com/myfile.pdf` or :const:`file:///tmp/my.txt` 1. Interpretation - the abstract notion of what the subject is, eg. "this is a document" or "this is an image". The interpretation is formally represented by a URI. The :class:`zeitgeist.datamodel.Interpretation` class contains a collection of predefined subject interpretations. It is otherwise recommended to use `Nepomuk Information Elements `_ to describe subject interpretations. 2. Manifestation - the abstract notion of how the subject is stored or available, eg. "this is file" or "this is a webpage". The manifestation is formally represented by a URI. The :class:`zeitgeist.datamodel.Manifestation` class contains a collection of predefined subject manifestations. It is otherwise recommended to use `Nepomuk Data Objects `_ to describe subject manifestations. 3. Origin - the URI where the user accessed the subject from 4. Mimetype - The mimetype of the subject, eg. :const:`text/plain` 5. Text - A short textual representation of the subject suitable for display 6. Storage - the id storage device the subject is. For files this would be the UUID of the volume, for subjects requiring a network interface use the string "net". If the subject has been deleted use the string "deleted". The storage id of the subject is used internally in the Zeitgeist engine to keep track of subject availability. This way clients can request hits only on subjects that are currently available. The third an last component of the event data structure is an array of bytes, :const:`ay`, called the `payload`. The payload can be used to hold any kind of free form data and its intent and purpose is entirely up to the entity inserting the event into the log. .. index:: org.gnome.zeitgeist.Log org.gnome.zeitgeist.Log +++++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: RemoteInterface :members: InsertEvents, GetEvents, FindEventIds, FindEvents, FindRelatedUris, DeleteEvents, DeleteLog, Quit, InstallMonitor, RemoveMonitor .. _org_gnome_zeitgeist_Monitor: .. index:: org.gnome.zeitgeist.Monitor org.gnome.zeitgeist.Monitor +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: zeitgeist.client.Monitor :members: NotifyInsert, NotifyDelete .. _org_gnome_zeitgeist_Blacklist: .. index:: org.gnome.zeitgeist.Blacklist org.gnome.zeitgeist.Blacklist +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: _zeitgeist.engine.extensions.blacklist.Blacklist :members: SetBlacklist, GetBlacklist org.gnome.zeitgeist.DataSourceRegistry ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: _zeitgeist.engine.extensions.datasource_registry.DataSourceRegistry :members: RegisterDataSource, GetDataSources, SetDataSourceEnabled, DataSourceEnabled, DataSourceRegistered, DataSourceDisconnected org.gnome.zeitgeist.StorageMonitor +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: _zeitgeist.engine.extensions.storagemonitor.StorageMonitor :members: GetStorages, StorageAvailable, StorageUnavailable